Saturday, April 9, 2011

Citizen Kane>Everything You've Ever Seen In Your Life. EVER.

 All right, you got me. I, a self-proclaimed lover of movies,  had never seen Citizen Kane before just last week. In my defence, I had been trying to make time to watch it, but had wanted to watch it in my Media Studies class. In any case, I've seen it now. And, although I will admit I need to see it again, I will do my best to talk about it, as is my class' assignment. For those of you who haven't seen the film, this review may contain spoilers, although most of the movie has been revealed via pop-culture. (Like the entire Simpsons episode that was a spoof of the film. A true homage).

 Citizen Kane is widely regarded as being the best film ever. At the very least, it is the most revolutionary. The camera shots, the acting, the music and the story were all so unique, incredible and new at the time. When a movie can capture an audience after 70 years, it must have done something right.
Citizen Kane isn't the only thing that's 70 years old and awesome!

 I've got to be honest, Citizen Kane is not my favourite film (I'm not sure if I can even pick a favourite), but I would be hard-pressed to find a "better" one. I put "better" in quotations because the goodness of a film is somewhat relative. A good way of telling whether a movie is truly good or not is what I say about it. My opinion is always right, so it's a good idea to double-check with me before you go on thinking you know things. Just something to keep in mind. (If you know me, then you know that deep down, that's pretty much how I feel. Arrogance is a topic I will probably cover in another post).

 Like I said before, I can't really think of a "bad" aspect of the movie. A lot of my classmates were complaining about Susan Alexander Kane, and how annoying she was. Well... yeah. That's kind of the idea, folks. The acting was top-notch, the music was really cool, the camera tricks were revolutionary, and got me thinking about how we take all those neat little things for granted today.

 Citizen Kane may not be all that exciting for the average viewer. It's certainly no Michael Bay masterpiece. There are no giant robots, or boobs or anything. So why watch this movie? Because this movie is brilliant, that's why. I did some Googling, and took a look at some of the things that Citizen Kane did that no other movie was doing at the time. If you look, pretty much everything is in focus in any given shot. Why? Because it was different, that's why. You'll notice that pretty much every movie you will ever watch does this. Orson Welles says "you're welcome". I'm not going to go through everything. Seriously, take a look even on Wikipedia or something and see all the things that this movie brought to film-making.
What they mean is "this movie is literally the best movie you will ever see."

 This assignment is tough. "First impressions of Citizen Kane"? I'm supposed to give my thoughts on the greatest film of all time after only seeing it once? Well, fine. Here it is. I'm don't have a list of the Top 10 Best Films According to Zach, and I don't think I'll make one. I love a lot of movies, and I dislike a lot of movies. I think a lot of movies are just okay. Citizen Kane is one of the movies I really loved. That's all you're going to get out of me in terms of an explicit statement, and I think that's all you guys are going to get in any of my blog posts. I say this so often, but it's so true. My blog is a stream of consciousness. It's a blog.